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Effective and thorough cleaning is essential in the health care industry for environmental surface management and infection prevention and control. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee recommend that all health care settings make infection prevention a priority. Standard precautions, including environmental cleaning, should be used as a means to reduce infection transmission.

Bacterial toxins present in food can cause severe food poisoning, which can result in nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort diarrhea and even death. It is therefore vital to you’re your worktops and chopping boards clean and bear in mind that they will touch the food clients are going to eat. Surfaces in your Care Home that require cleaning, disinfection, or sterilization are classified according to their potential to transmit an infection at the time of use. Critical items confer a high risk for infection if they are contaminated with any microorganism. Therefore, surgical instruments and devices that enter sterile tissue or the vascular system must be sterile, as any microbial contamination could result in infection. Semicritical items are those that come in contact with mucous membranes or nonintact skin. This category includes respiratory therapy devices and anesthesia equipment. These medical devices should be free from all vegetative microorganisms prior to use.

Over the past few years, cleanliness and hygiene have become a major public issue for hospitals and care home professionals, fuelled by media reports of soaring MRSA contamination and other bacterial scares. This has led to the development of products that are scientifically proven to have high success rates in destroying dangerous bacteria and viruses such as MRSA and SARS. The key to controlling bacterial cross-contamination is a combination of innovative new technology and good cleaning practices. However, many companies are unaware that you can even find products that correspond with your company values. You can shop from brands on the market now that are animal-friendly and oppose to any testing on animals.

Astonish are an animal kind brand who believe that cleaning products don’t need to be tested on animals or contain any animal derived ingredients to deliver astonishing results. The company has held this belief since the business was set up over 40 years ago. Astonish are proud to be approved by the Cruelty-Free International organization. With Astonish products, your Care Home can make the change to cruelty-free cleaning. Astonish products contain no animal derivative ingredients. The organization are approved by Cruelty-Free International and the Vegetarian Society as well as being vegan Society Registered. The company is also BRC approved and ISO approved to 14001 & 90001. Over time, Astonish has created a complete range that helps speed up the cleaning of your Care Home, from bathrooms, kitchen, laundry, dish washing, floors and carpets, household & furniture. We push our suppliers hard to ensure this is the case, no compromises. You can even find the Vegan society accreditation across the range with the exception of our leather cleaner and car care tar and insect remover.

Countrywide Healthcare is providing you with a 3 for 2 deal on individual Astonish products that will be valid until the end of September.  (This excludes mixed products).

You can shop through the range of marketing leading cleaning products, featuring various fabric fresheners, window and glass cleaners, oven cleaners and powerful stain removers.

Here is our most popular Astonish product that could make a difference to your Care Home now:

Window and Glass Cleaner

This product will make sure you are left with a streak-free shine whilst delivering natural cleaning with vinegar. 

The Astonish Oven Clear is tough on grease, removes burnt on food and is fume free.


You can shop the entire Astonish range here.